Create a membership


In BMI Leisure system, you are able to create different kind of memberships, each with specific loyalty system, price and promotions: Gold membership, VIP membership, Staff membership etc.


  1. Go to Menu -> Configuration -> Membership.
  2. Click on + to add a new membership.
  3. Setup a name, example 'Gold Member'.
  4. Setup all conditions:
  • Discount : if this membership has a special discount applied on all products, you can define a discount percentage. (see also dynamic discount)
  • Allow discount on first day: if yes, the discount applies from the very first purchase, otherwise, it will apply from the second purchase.
  • Kind: Membership.
  • Allow mobile access: if yes, guests with these memberships are able to access the mobile app
  • When to activate: date when the membership needs to be activated. You can choose between Day of purchase or day of the first use. When buying a membership online, those two dates are different, you able to configure this when activating the license.
  • Price category: it is possible to create a specific price category that will allow you to fix a custom/special price on a product. E.g. normal price of a Bowling session is 10$, for the Gold Member is 7$

Now you created a membership, to be able to set a price for it and sell it you need to create a specific product for it.

>> Create a membership Product