Sewio transponder configuration

If you run or you are going to start the installation of a Positioning system using Sewio technology, you can follow this tutorial regarding the transponder/tag configuration

For the configuration of tags parameters like refresh rate or sleep mode you can use the NFC interface. NFC is the best solution for batch parameter reconfiguration on many tags. It is not designed for end-customer application, for such cases please use the additional NFC stamp.   

Sewio Tag
create new configuration image.


  • Tag Leonardo FW 3.120.0+
  • Android (5.0+) device.
  • Bluetooth Low Energy and NFC activated and GPS* on the device.

The tag read/write configuration can be done regardless of tag is turned on or off, It can be done from the front side of the tag.


  • If the tag is off state, then configurations read through the NFC interface will correspond to the last configuration when the tag was on since a new configuration written via NFC is applied during the boot-up sequence.
  • Writing configuration during the tag off state -> configuration will be applied once the tag is started.
  • If the tag is in on state, the configuration is applied after 5 seconds once the NFC communication has been terminated.
  • LED Codes
    • successful write config to the tag memory is indicated by two fast short LED blinks.
    • failure to write the configuration to the tag memory is indicated by four fast short LED blinks.

Reading Configuration of the Tag

Go to the Sewio Leonardo Configurator home screen and read the tag using the smartphone NFC reader.
Make sure the NFC interface on your smartphone is turned on. Try to put the front side of the tag to the NFC “sweet spot” of your smartphone. The tag configuration will be displayed on the screen. To view all of the parameters simply scroll down by swiping up.

You can also check the configuration in the RTLS tag manager through the web browser. 

Tqag information example

You can configure new tags by copying the configuration from an already configured tag or start creating a new configuration manually. Once you have the required settings, press the button to start sending the configuration. Put the front side of the tag to the NFC “sweet spot” of your smartphone and wait until the confirmation message appears → the phone should vibrate and the MAC address of the tag  should appear on the screen you should.

It will take about 5 seconds, then the new configuration is written to the tag’s memory indicated by three fast blinks of the LED diode.

reconfiguration confirmation