My QR code scanner is not working

Is our system not responding when you are scanning a QR code? This is most likely due to a wrong configured/changed COM port configured in our system. This tutorial will explain what you can check in order to solve the issue.


If your scanner does not produce a beep sound when scanning, it is probably a hardware failure (scanner is broken). If it does beep, but nothing happens in the Bmi-Leisure software, follow these steps:

Check COM port

First thing you can check is whether the COM port is configured:

  1. In Windows, open the ‘Device Manager’. The easiest way to do this is:
    1. Open the “Run” dialog box by pressing and holding the Windows key, then press the R key simultaneously.
    2. Type devmgmt.msc. 
    3. Click OK.
  2. Search the section ‘Ports (COM & LPT) and double click to unfold.
  3. You should have something similar to ‘Barcode Scanner’, ‘USB Serial Port’ or ‘Prolyfic USB to COM’ with the COM port number. In this example, my COM port number is 3.
  4. Go back to the SMS-Timing application (Booking).
  5. Open the ‘Menu’.
  6. Go to ‘System’.
  7. Go to ‘Environment’.
  8. Click on ‘Devices’, the devices overview page will open.
  9. Open the correct computer (if the computer where the scanner is broken is the one you are doing this on, it is the first item in the overview page).
  10. Go to the ‘Peripherics’ tab.
  11. Double click on the scanner item (Datalogic Gryphon).
  12. Change the ‘Port’ to the correct value. In this example, we have to change it to com3 since my port number is 3.
  13. Confirm with ‘Save’.
  14. To enable your scanner again, click on the ‘Open’ button above. The scanner should turn green and should be ready to use!
    When everything is good, the scanner color should become green(instead of red).