Kiosk Bill validator checking

If you have an issue with the kiosk bill validator you can find the anwer here.

If we show the following error in our system. 

There is probably an issue with your Bill Validator. Each device equiped with this component will have the Bill Validator's firmware installed so you can see what the actual error is. 

The firmware is called TestCCNET and can be recognized by the following icon. 

Once the software is started it will start searching for the Bill Validator device.

Once connected, you can test the device by pressing the "Start Poll" button. This will get the device to register all actions taken into the output field.  


BV wasn't found!


The bill validator software did not recognize bill validator hardware connected to the kiosk. This can be caused by one of the following:

  • COM port in use by a different software module
  • Bill Validator not connected to the kiosk
  • No power to the Bill Validator
  • Wrong USB2COM driver


  • check if another software is running that might be connected to the bill validator. (Booking, kiosk, Configurator,...) a COM connection creates a direct connection between the software and the hardware making the hardware unavailable for any other software.
  • Check all of the cables and connection to ensure the device has power and in connected to the appropriate COM port. 
  • Reinstall the USB2COM driver according to the requirements of your USB2COM dongle. 

Cash box out of position


the cash box itself is not correctly inserted into the metal frame of the Bill Validator. 


  • Open the Bill Validator
  • take out the cash box 
  • Insert the cash box again
  • try again.