How to set up QSR automations project Types?

This article will show you how to set up the project types needed for QSR

If you want to work with the QSR automations integration, you will need to set up your project types. These are meant to indicate what the type of order is, most commonly these are defined by consumption location as in "Dine in" and "Take out". 

This only has to be configured once and can then be reused for all your orders. 

To set it up correctly follow this guide. 

  1. Navigate to the project kinds page in the menu. (Menu -> Project -> Kinds) 
  2. Create a new entity. 
  3. Fill in the required information for this Project kind. 
    1. Name: Can be anything that makes it clear to you. (eg. Dine in, Take out, delivery, pick up,...)
    2. Kind: Please select Foodorder for the QSR automations use case. Other types are explained in light of their specific use cases. 
    3. Valid for: numeric value in combination with the interval allowing you to set up a window of expiry. 
    4. Default State: For the QSR use case you can pick new. For more information, refer to the state management manual. 
    5. Survey: Not applicable in this use case. 
    6. Document Template: Not Applicable in this use case
    7. Numbering: Not applicable in this use case 
    8. Sequence: This numeric value will define the order the project kind is shown in the payment overview. 
    9. Print on the report: This setting will allow you to hide everything ordered in this kind from the financial reporting. The default is on. 
    10. Taxmode: Default set to follow the system mode, can be changed to calculate the taxes for this order based on the included or excluded system. 
  4. Create a new instance in the Xref tab. 
    1. Kind: This value needs to be KDS for this use case.
    2. Reference: autogenerated value. 
    3. Destination: numeric value in line with the destinations set up in QSR. 
  5.  Save your  work

Here is an interactive tutorial to assist you. 

    That's it, the project kind is configured!