Based on the kart types, you might add different categories on the BMI Leisure system (kids kart, double seater, etc.)
Create a vehicle kind
In order to create a new vehicle, we first have to create our vehicle kinds. A vehicle kind can be used to differentiate brands, performance and other aspects of certain vehicles.
Follow these steps:
- Navigate to Menu-> activities -> Models.
- Add a new vehicle kind.
- Fill in the required information.
- “Name” of the vehicle kind.
- “Kind” of the element added.
- Kart for vehicles.
- Gun for portable elements.
- Storage for boxes or containers you rent out.
- “Prefix” will be shown for every vehicle to help you differentiate the kinds easily.
- “Style” allows you to give a to the vehicle kind a color of your choosing in the vehicle overview.
- “Model” defines the manufacturer model.
- “Brand” Defines the manufacturer name.
- “Default Speed” allows you to define the initial speed on startup.**
- “Mode” will assign the vehicle to a rental or private pool.
- “Resources” can be activated to exclude the usage of the vehicle kind on certain activities. In addition, a default score group can be assigned to make sure leaderboards give a correct representation.
- “Parts” can be assigned. (refer to the parts manual)
- “Image” can be added.
- Once all necessary fields are filled in you can save and start using the vehicle kind.