What is the easiest way to block out your whole venue for a private event?

Let's make sure you can quickly block off your entire venue using project templates.

Create the template

  1. The first thing you need to do is navigate through the menu to "Menu" -> "Projects" -> "Templates"
  2. Create a new template. 
  3. Give it a purposeful name like "private event" or "buyout"
  4. Add a schedule line for each activity in your venue for the duration that you need most commonly. In the example we are using a 3-hour time slot from 12 pm - 3 pm. Always start at 12 pm.
  5. Make sure to select the exclusive switch on each schedule line. 
  6. When you are done, your template should look like this. 
  7. You can save your work now. 

Use the template

Now that we have created the template you can start to use it. 

  1. Open the reservations tab. 
  2. Navigate to the date that you want to block of the time. 
  3. Double-click on the start hour of the time you want to block to show the list of templates.
  4. Select the private party option. 
  5. This will create an event for the duration assigned in the template. (3 hours in the example. ) 
  6. Make sure that your state is on "confirmed" to enable the software to block out any available timeslot during the event.  
  7. Your end result should look like this. 

    If your view looks like this, it generally means your event state is "Option"
  8. Validate with your online booking if these timeslots are (not) available.


  1. What if you want to have different times?
    1. Depending on the required outcome, you might want to
      1. Make multiple templates. (eg. template for 1 hour, template for 2 hours, template for 3 hours)
      2. Adjust the times in the reservation manually 
      3. Use the multibook button. 
  2. Can I switch the times for only a few activities? 
    1. Of course, it is only a template, so you can add, delete, or adjust any of the schedule lines without changing the template itself.