Configure custom checkboxes


Our system has the option to create custom checkboxes on reservations and member profiles. This is handy if you want to track/save specific data or events that occurred.

Some examples are:

Member Profile

  • Whether or not the member used a special combo
  • Did the member receive his birthday gift


  • Which type of reservation (children's birthday party, bachelors party, …)
  • Checklist for additional questions


Configuration is very easy. In just a few clicks you can add multiple custom checkboxes. Please follow these steps:

  1. Open the Menu
  2. Go to “System”
  3. Go to “Configuration”
  4. Open the “Flags” menu item
  5.  You will get an overview of all current configured checkboxes. Here you can start Adding, Editing or Deleting.
  6. To add a new one, click on the “+” icon
  7. A new window will open. Here you have to fill in the Name, Index and Kind
    Name: the text that is visible next to the checkbox
    Index: the order/position in the list
    Kind: in which part of the software this checkbox is going to be used. Most important ones are Person (member profile)Product and Project (reservation)
  8. As an example, we will create the “Promo Winter” checkbox. We can do this by filling in the fields:
    Name: Promo Winter
    Index: This will vary in your system if you already have checkboxes. Make sure to pick a number that is not used before.
    Kind: Person
  9. After filling in the fields, click on the “Save” button
  10. Your checkbox is added, will be visible and is now ready to use!


1. The first step is to open Menu from Configurator or Point of Sales

Step 1 image


Step 2 image


Step 3 image


Step 4 image


Step 5 image


Step 6 image

7. Name: the text that is visible next to the checkbox

Step 7 image

8. Index: the order/position in the list

Step 8 image

8b. Drop

Step 8b image

9. Kind: in which part of the software this checkbox is going to be used. Most important ones are Person (member profile), Product and Project (reservation)

Step 9 image

9b. Click

Step 9b image


Step 10 image

11. Save

Step 11 image

12. Click + to add a new one

Step 12 image


Step 13 image


Step 14 image


Step 15 image


Step 16 image

17. Go to Member list

Step 17 image

18. Select one member and check the Flag section: you will find the flags you added under a person kind

Step 18 image


Step 19 image


Step 20 image

21. Go to reservations

Step 21 image

22. Create a new reservation or open and existing one

Step 22 image

23. Go to Memo and Image section

Step 23 image

24. You will find the flags you added under "Project" kind

Step 24 image


Step 25 image

26. Close

Step 26 image

Here's an interactive tutorial

** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **