Setup Stripe as online Payment system


You will start using BMI-Leisure Online Booking system and you would like to configure Stripe as online payment facilitator.

First of all, you need to request an account from Stripe, then you need to follow the steps in order to configure the online payment system.




  1. Login in to the Stripe Dashboard: 
  2. Go to Developers -> Webhooks



  1. Press "Add endpoint" button.
  2. Fill in the form.


Endpoint URL -{clientkey}
Replace {clientKey} with your clientkey, please inform with our support department.
Version - latest API version
Events to send - select payment_intent.succeeded and payment_intent.payment_failed

Your Stripe configuration is done, the only thing you need is to get the following API keys from the Stripe website and configure the online payment provider in the BMI-Leisure system or contact our support to do it:

  • Publishable Key
  • Secret Key
  • Webhook Secret/Signing secret

Here you can find the publishable key :

Going on Developers -> API Keys -> Publishable Key

You can simply click and copy the value

Here you can find the Secret key :

Going on Developers -> API Keys -> Secret Key

Click the Reveal live key token button.

  • A new window will pop up with the secret key. Note: You won't be able to see the key again after this. Make sure you copy it and save it somewhere safe and private.
  • Copy the value of the Secret key. It should look like sk_live_somelongrandomvaluelike0Rx3jvetc 




Here you can find the Signing secret:

Going on Developers -> Webhooks -> Signing secret -> Click to reveal